OpenCart 🇺🇦

Класс ModelOpenbayEbayOpenbay extends Model { ... }

Тип Возвр. Описание
public mixed importOrders ( $data )
Исходный код метода:
$this->default_shipped_id         = $this->config->get('EBAY_DEF_SHIPPED_ID');
$this->default_paid_id            = $this->config->get('EBAY_DEF_PAID_ID');
$this->default_refunded_id        = $this->config->get('EBAY_DEF_REFUNDED_ID');
$this->default_pending_id         = $this->config->get('EBAY_DEF_IMPORT_ID');

$this->default_part_refunded_id   = $this->config->get('EBAY_DEF_PARTIAL_REFUND_ID');
if($this->default_part_refunded_id == null){ $this->default_part_refunded_id = $this->default_paid_id; }

$this->tax                        = ( $this->config->get('tax') == '' ? '1' : ($this->config->get('tax') /100) + 1 );
$this->tax_type                   = $this->config->get('ebay_tax_listing');
$data                             = unserialize($data);

			foreach($data->ordersV2 as $order){
				if(isset($order->smpId) && (int)$order->smpId != 0){
			if(isset($data->ordersV2->smpId) && (int)$data->ordersV2->smpId != 0){
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order object empty - no orders');
	$this->openbay->ebay->log('Data failed to unserialize');
public mixed orderHandle ( $order )
Исходный код метода:

 * Check the order is not locked
if($this->model_openbay_ebay_order->lockExists($order->smpId) == true){

/* force array type */
if(!is_array($order->txn)) { $order->txn = array($order->txn); }

$order_id = $this->model_openbay_ebay_order->find($order->smpId);

$createdHours = (int)$this->config->get('openbaypro_created_hours');
if($createdHours == 0 || $createdHours == ''){ $createdHours = 24; } //This is a fallback value.

$from = date("Y-m-d H:i:00", mktime(date("H")-(int)$createdHours, date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("y")));
$this->openbay->ebay->log('Accepting orders newer than: '.$from);

if($order_id != false){
	$order_loaded   = $this->model_checkout_order->getOrder($order_id);
	$order_history  = $this->model_openbay_ebay_order->getHistory($order_id);

	$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Updating');

	/* check user details to see if we have now been passed the user info */
	/* if we have these details then we have the rest of the delivery info */
	if(!empty($order->address->name) && !empty($order->address->street1)){
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('User info found');
		if($this->model_openbay_ebay_order->hasUser($order_id) == false){
			$user       = $this->handleUserAccount($order);
			/* update if the user details have not been assigned to the order */
			$this->updateOrderWithConfirmedData($order_id, $order, $user);
			$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Updated with user info');
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('No user info');

	if($order->shipping->status == 'Shipped' && ($order_loaded['order_status_id'] != $this->default_shipped_id) && $order->payment->status == 'Paid'){
		$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->update($order_id, $this->default_shipped_id);
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Shipped');
	}elseif($order->payment->status == 'Paid' && isset($order->payment->date) && $order->shipping->status != 'Shipped' && ($order_loaded['order_status_id'] != $this->default_paid_id)){
		$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->update($order_id, $this->default_paid_id);
		$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->updatePaymentDetails($order_id, $order);

		if($this->config->get('openbaypro_stock_allocate') == 1){
			$this->openbay->ebay->log('Stock allocation is set to allocate stock when an order is paid');
			$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->addOrderLines($order, $order_id);

		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Paid');
	}elseif(($order->payment->status == 'Refunded' || $order->payment->status == 'Unpaid') && ($order_loaded['order_status_id'] != $this->default_refunded_id) && in_array($this->default_paid_id, $order_history)){
		/* @todo what happens if the order has never been paid? - need to find a cancelled in ebay flag*/
		$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->update($order_id, $this->default_refunded_id);
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Refunded');
	}elseif($order->payment->status == 'Part-Refunded' && ($order_loaded['order_status_id'] != $this->default_part_refunded_id) && in_array($this->default_paid_id, $order_history)){
		$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->update($order_id, $this->default_part_refunded_id);
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Part Refunded');
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> No Update');
	$this->openbay->ebay->log('Created: '.$order->order->created);

		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Checkout: '.$order->order->checkoutstatus);
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Paid date: '.$order->payment->date);
	 * - single item order, not checked out but then marked as paid. i.e. user wants to pay by manual method such as cheque
	 * - multi item order, same as above. Is this possible? i dont think the order will combine if checkout not done.

	if($this->config->get('ebay_import_unpaid') == 1){
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Set to import unpaid orders');
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Ignore unpaid orders');

	if(($order->order->created >= $from || (isset($order->payment->date) && $order->payment->date >= $from)) && (isset($order->payment->date) || $this->config->get('ebay_import_unpaid') == 1) ){

		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Creating new order');

		/* need to create the order without creating customer etc */
		$order_id = $this->create($order);
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Created.');

		/* add link */
		$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->orderLinkCreate((int)$order_id, (int)$order->smpId);

		/* check user details to see if we have now been passed the user info, if we have these details then we have the rest of the delivery info */
		if(!empty($order->address->name) && !empty($order->address->street1)){
			$this->openbay->ebay->log('User info found.');
			if($this->model_openbay_ebay_order->hasUser($order_id) == false){
				$user = $this->handleUserAccount($order);
				/* update if the user details have not been assigned to the order */
				$this->updateOrderWithConfirmedData($order_id, $order, $user);
				$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Updated with user info.');
			$this->openbay->ebay->log('No user information.');

		//new order, set to pending initially.
		$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->confirm($order_id, $this->default_pending_id, '[eBay Import:' . (int)$order->smpId . ']');
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Pending');
		$order_status_id = $this->default_pending_id;

		//order has been paid
		if($order->payment->status == 'Paid'){
			$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->update($order_id, $this->default_paid_id);
			$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Paid');
			$order_status_id = $this->default_paid_id;

			if($this->config->get('openbaypro_stock_allocate') == 1){
				$this->openbay->ebay->log('Stock allocation is set to allocate stock when an order is paid');
				$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->addOrderLines($order, $order_id);

		//order has been refunded
		if($order->payment->status == 'Refunded'){
			$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->update($order_id, $this->default_refunded_id);
			$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Refunded');
			$order_status_id = $this->default_refunded_id;

		//order is part refunded
		if($order->payment->status == 'Part-Refunded'){
			$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->update($order_id, $this->default_part_refunded_id);
			$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Part Refunded');
			$order_status_id = $this->default_part_refunded_id;

		//order payment is clearing
		if($order->payment->status == 'Clearing'){
			$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->update($order_id, $this->default_pending_id);
			$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Clearing');
			$order_status_id = $this->default_pending_id;

		//order is marked shipped
		if($order->shipping->status == 'Shipped'){
			$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->update($order_id, $this->default_shipped_id);
			$this->openbay->ebay->log('Order ID: '.$order_id.' -> Shipped');
			$order_status_id = $this->default_shipped_id;

		// Admin Alert Mail
		if($this->config->get('openbaypro_confirmadmin_notify') == 1) {
			$this->openbay->newOrderAdminNotify($order_id, $order_status_id);

if($this->config->get('openbaypro_stock_allocate') == 0){
	$this->openbay->ebay->log('Stock allocation is set to allocate stock when an item is bought');
	$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->addOrderLines($order, $order_id);

	$this->openbay->ebay->log('There are cancelled items in the order');
	$this->model_openbay_ebay_order->removeOrderLines($order->cancelled, $order_id);

//remove the lock.
private mixed create ( $order )
Исходный код метода:
if ($this->openbay->addonLoad('openstock')) {
	$openstock = true;
	$openstock = false;


$currency = $this->model_localisation_currency->getCurrencyByCode($this->config->get('openbay_def_currency'));

if($this->config->get('openbaypro_create_date') == 1){
	$createdDateObj     = new DateTime((string)$order->order->created);
	$offset             = ($this->config->get('openbaypro_time_offset') != '' ? (int)$this->config->get('openbaypro_time_offset') : (int)0);
	$createdDateObj->modify($offset . ' hour');
	$createdDate        = $createdDateObj->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
	$createdDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
	$offset = 0;

$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Order date: '.$createdDate);
$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Original date: '.(string)$order->order->created);
$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Offset: '.$offset);
$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Server time: '.date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));

$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "order` SET
   `store_id`                 = '" . (int)$this->config->get('config_store_id') . "',
   `store_name`               = '" . $this->db->escape($this->config->get('config_name') . ' / eBay') . "',
   `store_url`                = '" . $this->db->escape($this->config->get('config_url')) . "',
   `invoice_prefix`           = '" . $this->db->escape($this->config->get('config_invoice_prefix')) . "',
   `comment`                  = '" . $this->db->escape((string)$order->order->message) . "',
   `total`                    = '" . (double)$order->order->total . "',
   `affiliate_id`             = '0',
   `commission`               = '0',
   `language_id`              = '" . (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id') . "',
   `currency_id`              = '" . (int)$currency['currency_id'] . "',
   `currency_code`            = '" . $this->db->escape($currency['code']) . "',
   `currency_value`           = '" . (double)$currency['value'] . "',
   `ip`                       = '',
   `date_added`               = '" . $createdDate . "',
   `date_modified`            = NOW(),
   `customer_id`              = 0

$order_id = $this->db->getLastId();

foreach ($order->txn as $txn) {
	$product_id = $this->openbay->ebay->getProductId($txn->item->id);

	if($product_id != false){
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Product ID: "'.$product_id.'" from ebay item: '.$txn->item->id.' was returned');

		if(!empty($txn->item->variantsku) && $openstock == true){
			$model_number = $this->openbay->getProductModelNumber($product_id, $txn->item->variantsku);
			$model_number = $this->openbay->getProductModelNumber($product_id);
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - No product ID from ebay item: '.$txn->item->id.' was returned');
		$model_number = '';

	$qty = (int)$txn->item->qty;
	$price = (double)$txn->item->price;
	$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Item price: '.$price);

	if($this->tax_type == 1){
		//calculate taxes that come in from eBay
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Using tax rates from eBay');

		$priceNet = $price;
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Net price: '.$priceNet);

		$totalNet = $price * $qty;
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Total net price: '.$totalNet);

		$tax = number_format((double)$txn->item->tax->item, 4,'.','');
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Tax: '.$tax);
		//use the store pre-set tax-rate for everything
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Using tax rates from store');

		$priceNet = $price / $this->tax;
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Net price: '.$priceNet);

		$totalNet = $priceNet * $qty;
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Total net price: '.$totalNet);

		$tax = number_format(($price - $priceNet), 4,'.','');
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Tax: '.$tax);

	$txn->item->name            = stripslashes($txn->item->name);
	$txn->item->varianttitle    = stripslashes($txn->item->varianttitle);
	$txn->item->sku             = stripslashes($txn->item->sku);
	$txn->item->variantsku      = stripslashes($txn->item->variantsku);

	$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "order_product` SET
			`order_id`            = '" . (int)$order_id . "',
			`product_id`          = '" . (int)$product_id . "',
			`name`                = '" . $this->db->escape(( (isset($txn->item->varianttitle) && !empty($txn->item->varianttitle)) ? $txn->item->varianttitle : $txn->item->name )) . "',
			`model`               = '" . $this->db->escape($model_number) . "',
			`quantity`            = '" . (int)$qty . "',
			`price`               = '" . (double)$priceNet . "',
			`total`               = '" . (double)$totalNet . "',
			`tax`                 = '" . (double)$tax . "'

	$order_product_id = $this->db->getLastId();

	$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - Added order product id '.$order_product_id);

	if($openstock == true){
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - OpenStock enabled');

			if($product_id != false){
				$skuParts = explode(':', $txn->item->variantsku);
				$pOptions = array();

				foreach($skuParts as $part){
					$sql = "SELECT
							`ovd`.`name` as `value`,
							FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "product_option_value` `pv`
							LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . "option_value` `ov` ON (`pv`.`option_value_id` = `ov`.`option_value_id`)
							LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . "option_value_description` `ovd` ON (`ovd`.`option_value_id` = `ov`.`option_value_id`)
							LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . "option_description` `od` ON (`ov`.`option_id` = `od`.`option_id`)
							LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . "option` `o` ON (`o`.`option_id` = `od`.`option_id`)
							WHERE `pv`.`product_option_value_id` = '".(int)$part."'
							AND `pv`.`product_id` = '".(int)$product_id."'";
					$option_qry = $this->db->query($sql);

						$pOptions[] = array(
							'product_option_id'         => $option_qry->row['product_option_id'],
							'product_option_value_id'   => $option_qry->row['product_option_value_id'],
							'name'                      => $option_qry->row['name'],
							'value'                     => $option_qry->row['value'],
							'type'                      => $option_qry->row['type'],

				//insert into order_option table
				foreach ($pOptions as $option) {
						INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "order_option`
						`order_id`                  = '" . (int)$order_id . "',
						`order_product_id`          = '" . (int)$order_product_id . "',
						`product_option_id`         = '" . (int)$option['product_option_id'] . "',
						`product_option_value_id`   = '" . (int)$option['product_option_value_id'] . "',
						`name`                      = '" . $this->db->escape($option['name']) . "',
						`value`                     = '" . $this->db->escape($option['value']) . "',
						`type`                      = '" . $this->db->escape($option['type']) . "'
			$this->openbay->ebay->log('create() - No variant sku');

return $order_id;
private mixed updateOrderWithConfirmedData ( $order_id, $order, $user )
Исходный код метода:
$totals_language = $this->language->load('openbay/ebay_order');

$currency           = $this->model_localisation_currency->getCurrencyByCode($this->config->get('openbay_def_currency'));
$address_format     = $this->model_openbay_ebay_order->getCountryAddressFormat((string)$order->address->iso2);

//try to get zone id - this will only work if the zone name and country id exist in the DB.
$zone_id = $this->openbay->getZoneId($order->address->state, $user['country_id']);

	$address_format = (string)$this->config->get('openbay_default_addressformat');

//try to get the friendly name for the shipping service
$shipping_service = $this->openbay->ebay->getShippingServiceInfo($order->shipping->service);

if($shipping_service != false){
	$shipping_service_name = $shipping_service['description'];
	$shipping_service_name = $order->shipping->service;

	UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . "order`
	   `customer_id`              = '" . (int)$user['id'] . "',
	   `customer_group_id`        = '" . (int)$this->config->get('openbay_def_customer_grp') . "',
	   `firstname`                = '" . $this->db->escape($user['fname']) . "',
	   `lastname`                 = '" . $this->db->escape($user['lname']) . "',
	   `email`                    = '" . $this->db->escape($order->user->email) . "',
	   `telephone`                = '" . $this->db->escape($order->address->phone) . "',
	   `shipping_firstname`       = '" . $this->db->escape($user['fname']) . "',
	   `shipping_lastname`        = '" . $this->db->escape($user['lname']) . "',
	   `shipping_address_1`       = '" . $this->db->escape($order->address->street1) . "',
	   `shipping_address_2`       = '" . $this->db->escape($order->address->street2) . "',
	   `shipping_city`            = '" . $this->db->escape($order->address->city) . "',
	   `shipping_postcode`        = '" . $this->db->escape($order->address->postcode) . "',
	   `shipping_country`         = '" . $this->db->escape($user['country']) . "',
	   `shipping_country_id`      = '" . (int)$user['country_id'] . "',
	   `shipping_zone`            = '" . $this->db->escape($order->address->state) . "',
	   `shipping_zone_id`         = '" . (int)$zone_id . "',
	   `shipping_method`          = '" . $this->db->escape($shipping_service_name) . "',
	   `shipping_address_format`  = '" . $this->db->escape($address_format) . "',
	   `payment_firstname`        = '" . $this->db->escape($user['fname']) . "',
	   `payment_lastname`         = '" . $this->db->escape($user['lname']) . "',
	   `payment_address_1`        = '" . $this->db->escape($order->address->street1) . "',
	   `payment_address_2`        = '" . $this->db->escape($order->address->street2) . "',
	   `payment_city`             = '" . $this->db->escape($order->address->city) . "',
	   `payment_postcode`         = '" . $this->db->escape($order->address->postcode) . "',
	   `payment_country`          = '" . $this->db->escape($user['country']) . "',
	   `payment_country_id`       = '" . (int)$user['country_id'] . "',
	   `payment_zone`             = '" . $this->db->escape($order->address->state) . "',
	   `payment_zone_id`          = '" . (int)$zone_id . "',
	   `comment`                  = '" . $this->db->escape($order->order->message) . "',
	   `payment_method`           = '" . $this->db->escape($order->payment->method) . "',
	   `payment_address_format`   = '" . $address_format . "',
	   `total`                    = '" . (double)$order->order->total . "',
	   `date_modified`            = NOW()
   WHERE `order_id` = '".$this->db->escape($order_id)."'

$totalTax = 0;
$totalNet = 0;

/* force array type */
if(!is_array($order->txn)) {
	$order->txn = array($order->txn);

foreach ($order->txn as $txn) {
	$qty        = (int)$txn->item->qty;
	$price      = (double)$txn->item->price;

	if($this->tax_type == 1){
		//calculate taxes that come in from eBay
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('updateOrderWithConfirmedData() - Using tax rates from eBay');

		$totalTax   += (double)$txn->item->tax->total;
		$totalNet   += $price * $qty;
		//use the store pre-set tax-rate for everything
		$this->openbay->ebay->log('updateOrderWithConfirmedData() - Using tax rates from store');

		$itemNet     = $price / $this->tax;
		$itemTax     = $price - $itemNet;
		$lineNet     = $itemNet * $qty;
		$lineTax     = $itemTax * $qty;

		$totalTax   += number_format($lineTax, 4,'.','');
		$totalNet   += $lineNet;

if($this->tax_type == 1){
	$discountNet    = (double)$order->order->discount;
	$shippingNet    = (double)$order->shipping->cost;

	$tax = number_format($totalTax, 4,'.','');
	$discountNet    = (double)$order->order->discount / $this->tax;
	$discountTax    = (double)$order->order->discount - $discountNet;
	$shippingNet    = (double)$order->shipping->cost / $this->tax;
	$shippingTax    = (double)$order->shipping->cost - $shippingNet;

	$tax = number_format($shippingTax + $totalTax + $discountTax, 4,'.','');

$totals = number_format((double)$totalNet + (double)$shippingNet + (double)$tax + (double)$discountNet, 4,'.','');

$data = array();

$data['totals'][0] = array(
	'code'          => 'sub_total',
	'title'         => $totals_language['lang_subtotal'],
	'text'          => $this->db->escape($currency['symbol_left']).number_format($totalNet, $currency['decimal_place'],'.','').$this->db->escape($currency['symbol_right']),
	'value'         => number_format((double)$totalNet, 4,'.',''),
	'sort_order'    => '1'

$data['totals'][1] = array(
	'code'          => 'shipping',
	'title'         => $totals_language['lang_shipping'],
	'text'          => $this->db->escape($currency['symbol_left']).number_format($shippingNet, $currency['decimal_place'],'.','').$this->db->escape($currency['symbol_right']),
	'value'         => number_format((double)$shippingNet, 4,'.',''),
	'sort_order'    => '3'

$data['totals'][2] = array(
	'code'          => 'credit',
	'title'         => $totals_language['lang_discount'],
	'text'          => $this->db->escape($currency['symbol_left']).number_format($discountNet, $currency['decimal_place'],'.','').$this->db->escape($currency['symbol_right']),
	'value'         => number_format((double)$discountNet, 4,'.',''),
	'sort_order'    => '4'

$data['totals'][3] = array(
	'code'          => 'tax',
	'title'         => $totals_language['lang_tax'],
	'text'          => $this->db->escape($currency['symbol_left']).number_format($tax, $currency['decimal_place'],'.','').$this->db->escape($currency['symbol_right']),
	'value'         => number_format((double)$tax, 3,'.',''),
	'sort_order'    => '5'

$data['totals'][4] = array(
	'code'          => 'total',
	'title'         => $totals_language['lang_total'],
	'text'          => $this->db->escape($currency['symbol_left']).number_format($totals, $currency['decimal_place'],'.','').$this->db->escape($currency['symbol_right']),
	'value'         => $totals,
	'sort_order'    => '6'

foreach ($data['totals'] as $total) {
	$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "order_total` SET `order_id` = '" . (int)$order_id . "', `code` = '" . $this->db->escape($total['code']) . "', `title` = '" . $this->db->escape($total['title']) . "', `text` = '" . $this->db->escape($total['text']) . "', `value` = '" . (double)$total['value'] . "', `sort_order` = '" . (int)$total['sort_order'] . "'");
private mixed handleUserAccount ( $order )
Исходный код метода:
$name_parts     = $this->openbay->splitName((string)$order->address->name);
$user           = array();
$user['fname']  = $name_parts['firstname'];
$user['lname']  = $name_parts['surname'];

/** get the iso2 code from the data and pull out the correct country for the details. */
	$country_qry = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "country` WHERE `iso_code_2` = '".$this->db->escape($order->address->iso2)."'");

	$user['country']      = $country_qry->row['name'];
	$user['country_id']   = $country_qry->row['country_id'];
	$user['country']      = (string)$order->address->iso2;
	$user['country_id']   = '';

$user['email']  = (string)$order->user->email;
$user['id']     = $this->openbay->getUserByEmail($user['email']);

if($user['id'] != false){
	$this->db->query("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . "customer` SET
						`firstname`             = '" . $this->db->escape($name_parts['firstname']) . "',
						`lastname`              = '" . $this->db->escape($name_parts['surname']) . "',
						`telephone`             = '" . str_replace(array(' ', '+', '-'), '', $this->db->escape($order->address->phone))."',
						`status`                = '1'
					 WHERE `customer_id`        = '" . (int)$user['id'] . "'");
	$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "customer` SET
						`store_id`              = '" . (int)$this->config->get('config_store_id') . "',
						`firstname`             = '" . $this->db->escape($name_parts['firstname']) . "',
						`lastname`              = '" . $this->db->escape($name_parts['surname']) . "',
						`email`                 = '" . $this->db->escape($user['email']) . "',
						`telephone`             = '" . str_replace(array(' ', '+', '-'), '', $this->db->escape($order->address->phone))."',
						`password`              = '" . $this->db->escape(md5($order->user->userid)) . "',
						`newsletter`            = '0',
						`customer_group_id`     = '" . (int)$this->config->get('openbay_def_customer_grp') . "',
						`approved`              = '1',
						`status`                = '1',
						`date_added`            = NOW()");
	$user['id'] = $this->db->getLastId();

return $user;
private mixed externalApplicationNotify ( $order_id )
Исходный код метода:
/* This is used by the Mosaic Fullfilment solutions @ */
if ($this->openbay->addonLoad('mosaic') && !$this->mosaic->isOrderAdded($order_id)) {
	$this->db->query("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . "order` SET `shipping_code` = 'ebay.STD' WHERE `order_id` = '".(int)$order_id."' LIMIT 1");
	$this->mosaic->sendOrder($order_id, 'PP', '');
	$this->openbay->ebay->log('Mosaic module has been notified about order ID: '.$order_id);

/* send the new order notification to openbay so the other markets can update the stock */
/* @todo */
/* improve this to update when products are subtracted, NOT just when they are paid */
public mixed outputLog ( )
Исходный код метода:
header('Pragma: public');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Cache-Control: private',false);
header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize(DIR_LOGS."ebaylog.log"));
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ebaylog.log"');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Connection: close');
public mixed updateLog ( )
Исходный код метода:
header('Pragma: public');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Cache-Control: private',false);
header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize(DIR_LOGS."update.log"));
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="update.log"');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Connection: close');

Связанные классы:

Название класса Роль
class Config { ... } Компонент Config используется в данном классе
class DB { ... } Компонент Db используется в данном классе
class Language { ... } Компонент Language используется в данном классе
