OpenCart 🇺🇦


public mixed endItem ( $item_id )


Аргумент Возможный тип Описание


Метод пока еще не документирован.

Исходный код

$this->log('endItem() - ID "'.$item_id);

if($this->config->get('openbaypro_enditems') == 1) {
	$this->call('item/endItem/', array('id' => $item_id));

	if($this->lasterror != true) {
		$this->log('endItem() - OK');
		return array('error' => false, 'msg' => 'ok');
		return array('error' => true, 'msg' => $this->lasterror);
	$this->log('endItem() - config has disabled ending items');

	$message = "An item has gone out of stock but your settings are not set to end eBay items automatically.\r\n\r\n";
	$message.= "You need to ensure you have stock left of this item or end your eBay listing manually.\r\n\r\n";
	$message.= "eBay item ID: $item_id";

	$this->notifyAdmin('eBay item not ended: '.$item_id, $message);

	return array('error' => true, 'msg' => 'Settings do not allow you to end items, but the link has been removed.');